Many parents are concerned with their childrens’ use of screen time. Many also fail to understand the difference between regular vs quality screen time. In this article we detail this difference, and why our private online lessons fall under the quality category.

Screen time has become a hot topic for parents, especially in recent year with all so many studies coming out about how much screen time is too much and how it can affect your child's health and development.

But, according to Parents, screen time can improve socialization, enhance critical thinking, promote school readiness, develop fine motor skills, and most importantly encourage literacy and communication. 

All screen use is not equal

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “screens can provide educational and entertainment value to children and families”, if used in moderation and with parental supervision. The AAP also encourages parents to focus more on the content their kids are consuming and lessen how many hours when using screens because “all screen use is not equal”.

Most of our students who take weekly online private lessons are signed up for 30-minute lessons if they’re under the age of seven, 45-minute lessons if they're between the ages of seven and 13, and 60-minute lessons for those ranging from 13 to 18. That’s less than a movie, and even less than a full episode of most videos on Netflix!

Quality Screen Time

The reason quality screen time is different from regular screen time (which would include browsing on YouTube) is because quality screen time enhances kids’ knowledge. Our private lessons are not just pre-recorded content, so they provide that aspect of communication for children, allowing them to learn something new every time.

If kids are denied quality screen time, they are actually going to be behind in the “real world”. Navigating Zoom is something all of our 5-year-old students know how to do now, and the reality is that these are essential things for children to begin learning now, as it is something many organizations use to function.

Online Private Lessons are Convenient

Online lessons are particularly convenient for kids who are busy with other extracurricular activities or obligations. The flexibility of online lessons makes planning for kids and parents much easier, and is definitely a better experience for kids than opening YouTube and continuously pausing a video just so they can get the hang of what they’re trying to learn. 

While we do believe EchoKids is a truly valuable online lesson program for children of all ages, we also understand that some people are uncertain about using the Internet as an educational tool for their children. So try it first with our trial lesson, no commitments, no obligations, and a new way for your child to gain a new skill!

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Shizuno Furuya (Founder)
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